
Become a Master Coach with ICF Level 2 Accredited Certification in 3 – 10 months with InnerLifeSkills

Find out why Coaches, Leaders and Professionals in 60+ countries love our ICF accredited Master Coach Certifications.
Enroll in our “Big 4” live online training:

with Colleen-Joy MCC and her amazing team.

InnerLifeSkills ICF Accredited Certifications

We Made InnerLifeSkills
for You…

If you love empowering and enlightening…
Want credible ICF Certification that’s deeper than to-do-list coaching…
Or just plain love our unique life coaching, enneagram coaching, business coaching and executive coaching tools..
Then we made this for you.

Here are 3 of our 100+ ICF Accredited loved tools, used in boardrooms, online sessions and homes around the world.

InnerLifeSkills Build Wisdom Wells

Go deeper than surface, transform inner obstacles and liberate inner wealth. Learn our Wisdom Well Life Coaching Method.

InnerLifeSkills Grow Apple Trees

Drop the painful burden of a “Doing” Purpose, to free your Apple Tree natural purpose-filled self. With our Apple Tree Purpose Life Coaching Method.

InnerLifeSkills Fly Kites

Turn stressful inner and outer team or personal conflict into a helpful dynamic force, to fly your kite to success. Learn our Kite Executive Coach Method.

ICF Accredited Certified Programs since 2012 ACC PCC MCC

Online ICF Accredited Certifications

Picture having your internationally recognized, door-opening Master Coach Certification in 3 to 10 months.



Global Coach

[12 Zoom Online Classes]

Your Globally Recognized Coaching Skills
+ ACC Level Certification.

Gain ICF Global Skills Core Competencies + Choose ONE of our “Big 4” most in-demand short certifications: Life Coach, Enneagram Coach, Business Coach or Executive Coach. Includes ICF ACC Level 1 education requirements, mentor hours & performance evaluation.


Master Coach

[30 Zoom Online Classes]

Your In-Demand Master Coaching Skills
+ The Big 4 PCC Level Certifications.

Master ICF Global Skills + get ALL “Big 4” most in-demand certifications: Life Coach, Enneagram Coach, Business Coach and Executive Coach. Learn to build your brand, boost your career and attract coaching work. Includes ICF PCC Level 2 education requirements, mentor hours & evaluation.

Prefer Short Course Certifications? We have the Big 4

Looking for a short accredited certification with a powerful ready-to-coach in-demand toolbox that clients love? We’ve got you!
These 6 week online courses are ICF certification modules, meaning you get credits towards your full Level 1 or Level 2 Certification.




Guide Clients to find Inner Intuitive Wisdom, claim their Wholeness, hand back Family Baggage, strengthen Relationships, live their Purpose and build their Dream Personal Brand.

Join 6 Live Zoom Classes
Feb or June or Oct



Offer professional typing, but without relying on unreliable tests. Then go beyond typing, guide 1-1 clients and teams on their map for growth, using our unique InnerLifeSkills Kite. 

Join 6 Live Zoom Classes
Jan or May or Sep



Coach small business founders and solopreneurs to Start then Scale their conscious, naturally abundant business growth. Use our frameworks, no need to be a business buff. 

Join 6 Live Zoom Classes
Jan or May or Sep



Find out why our top Exec Coach graduates win 2-year contracts and become respected thought leaders. Learn 18 proven tools to coach teams and professionals.

6 Live Zoom Classes
Feb or June or Oct

Join our Incredible Global Community

If you love our Tools & Teachings as much as we do, join our supportive community of coaches, leaders and helping professionals. Attend our Monthly Free Monday Masterclasses.

What used to work isn’t working anymore

We saw the coaching industry change.
So we spent 3-years researching to find out why some coaches were struggling while others were thriving.
We were very surprised to find the same mistakes and solutions.

And so we upgraded our certification programs to make sure you don’t make these mistakes and have all the solutions.

What isn’t working (anymore)?

Virtually all the Struggling Coaches we interviewed were following mainstream advice to:
#1 Pick a Niche (1 small client market), then try to
#2 Perfect a Product (at your desk for that niche)
and #3 Promote and hope (often crushed with disappointment).

What is working (today)?

All the Successful Coaches we interviewed (winning 2-year contracts, referrals and 5-star reviews) were doing the opposite:
#1 Staying Unniched by discovering 3-5 niche groups to serve
#2 Staying Uncapped by Custom Co-Creating Solutions for clients from their Big 4 Certifications: Life + Enneagram + Business + Executive and #3 Staying Unlimited by being the “go-to” Master Coach in a few niche markets.

It turns out that clients love it when we can easily custom co-create solutions for them instead of trying to push a desk-made niche program onto them. That’s what we teach. That’s why you need our Master Coach Big 4 Certifications.


Let's guide coach and lead with wisdom together

Why you need to be far more than a Life Coach.

Our top Master Coaches earn 2-year contracts, promotions, referrals and 5-star reviews.

Glenn Douglas Executive Coach

“The training I did with InnerLifeSkills fundamentally changed my existence, not just at a career level, but also for me personally.

I now have an international coaching and training business with clients in the States (USA), Ireland, London, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, France… Every hour of my working day, I’m making a huge positive impact on somebody’s life. I mean what more could anybody every ask for?”

— Glenn-Douglas Haig 

“The work I did with InnerLifeSkills helped me to discover who I really was.

And I brought that to my position as CEO, and I helped my people to rise through the ranks and find what their best was and bring that to their careers.

I’ve subsequently left the corporate world and now I have a coaching brand serving multi-national corporate Executives and individuals who want to turn their Purpose into Wealth.”

— Lynette Anderson

Lynette Conscious Leadership Coach
Khanya Leadership Coach

“I was looking for a better way to coach.

A friend of mine introduced me to InnerLifeSkills, because at the time I was in a leadership position but could sense that I was doing every single thing in that role what was not unique and not authentic to me. When I found InnerLifeSkills, I found that missing piece of what I wasn’t doing, that piece of me that had been lost...

… the piece of me that actually coached and worked with people because I loved them, because I loved seeing people doing their best.”

— Khanya Matlala

“When I shifted from a ‘me’ focus to a ‘you’ focus I found steady coaching clients.

InnerLifeSkills gave me the Enneagram typing skills and master coaching skills to build an online Coaching & Training business with a social following and clients around the globe. I can take clients beyond the Enneagram because of my unique toolbox.”

— Sophia Grobler

Sofia Enneagram Relationship Coach
Eduan Executive Life Coach

“I have bookings and secured coaching income for the next year

I left a Senior IT Manager post to follow my passion for people development.

InnerLifeSkills is my second home. Love the people. Love the methodology of a structured supportive coaching approach.”

— Eduan Pieterse

“InnerLifeSkills restored my faith in coaching, it completely exceeded all my expectations.

I’ve experienced 3 different courses and hold 2 coaching qualifications. InnerLifeSkills was the only certification that not only gave me a complete set of tools and skills to support others through inner and outer obstacles, but it completely transformed and empowered me in the process.
It’s the only way to go!“

Volker Schlettwein

Volker Leadership Executive Coach
Nandha Manager as Coach

“I definitely found purpose, and tapped into a power that I didn’t know I had within.

I discovered who I really was and still am and become more self-aware.

Some of my successes is that I’ve been appointed in various positions and non-executive director positions. I’ve been in senior management positions for a while now, and I’m playing more of a leadership role in coaching employees, inspiring young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses.

And be a connection point, where I could help people to find their purpose, and to find their gifts and talents and bring that to the world.

— Nandha Govender

“Look no further.

If you are thinking about becoming a coach or wish to build on your existing coaching qualification look no further. You will not only be rewarded with a highly satisfying coaching career but you will also be a more empowered, wiser and enlightened individual.

— Oksana Petersen

Oksana Wellness Coach

Build your Business or Boost your Career

Yes, InnerLifeSkills trains many natural life coaches to become certified in-demand Master Coaches with global brands.
But did you know we also upskill leaders, consultants, facilitators and therapists?
And we guide ICF Credentialed coaches to their next credential, from ACC, to PCC to MCC.

Life Coaches

We help aspiring and natural life coaches to get credible certifications.


We upskill HR Managers, CEOs, middle managers and talent pools.

Enneagram Enthusiasts

We certify Enneagram lovers with credible ICF certification.

Health Professionals

We help wellness and medical practitioners to gain coach competencies.


We train client facing consultants to confidently connect and coach.


We certify and partner with facilitators in ICF professional coach skills.

Mental Health Professionals

We upskill psychologists, therapists and counsellors with ICF competencies.

Financial Planners

We empower financial planners with the tools to add value to their services.

3 Case Studies of Certified Coaches who created time freedom

Yvette Systemic Enneagram Life Coach

Yvette Duncan InnerLifeSkills Master Coach wanted a stay-at-home career, so that she didn’t need to sacrifice time with her sons—today she has clients around the world combining enneagram + systemic life coaching.

Murielle Influencer Career Coach

Murielle Marie InnerLifeSkills Certified Coach took her life coaching business to the next level using our Big 4 toolboxes. She is a TEDx speaker, Instagram influencer and podcast host. 


Sharni Yoga Lifestyle Coach

Sharni Quinn InnerLifeSkills Certified Coach went from burnt-out yogi to living her dream as a Lifestyle Life Coach and author. She has international clients, working often from a tropical paradise in Bali.

We have a 15+ year track record training leaders

Our Manager As Coach training has earned us 5-star ratings from these incredible clients.

InnerLifeSkills Clients

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